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Solution Specialist

If you had to describe your job to a 3rd grader, how would you describe it and why is it important?
Sarah: I teach companies how to use a system that helps connect sick people to resources and people that can make their lives better.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Sarah: The ability to make change at a larger level. Having done Care Management work directly, I can personally attest to the value of quality tools to streamline connect, and serve. I feel fortunate to be in a position where I can teach, advocate, and intervene at a larger level to make navigating the convoluted system that is healthcare a little simpler and more sustainable for those working within it.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Sarah: Anything outside and with music. Driving Blue Ridge parkway, curling up in a blanket, and watching the sunrise is a staple for my soul.

Which animal best represents your personality?
Sarah: I’d probably be most like a horse. They enjoy both traveling in herds and working independently. Horses help support people in getting to where they need to be. They can be a bit strong willed at times and also tend to have a strong “sense” or intuition within them.

Do you have a life theme song? Why or why not? And if so, what is it?
Sarah: That sort of evolves depending on my phase of life. One from childhood that still resonates is Who I Am by Jessica Andrews.

What's your dream car and why?
Sarah: I’m not a huge car girl, but lately I’ve been eyeing the Bronco Sport, Big Bend for all it’s fun, outdoor adventure features.

What's your favorite snack at the office?
Sarah: Dark chocolate and sea salt covered almonds. Salty, sweet, and only semi- healthy; sort of like me.

If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?
Sarah: Is eating whatever you want while remaining fit a super power?
If not, probably to time travel. There are a lot of people I’d like to see again and lessons to be learned from the past to better the future.

If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would it be?
Sarah: These days, I’d say Esther Perel. Since my background is in clinical social work, I find both her work and her accent fascinating.

What is your favorite book and why?
Sarah: I’m too indecisive to pick a favorite. Especially since I get a different meaning from most each time I re- read them.

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