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How We Work

Programming Console

Tech Stack

Essette Application (v4.x):

  • API driven application

  • Fully responsive design, including mobile/offline capability

  • Front end: Typescript using the Aurelia framework

  • API: written in C#

  • Database: SQL Server

  • IDEs: VS Code, Visual Studio, SSMS

  • Version Control: GitHub

  • Ticketing/Wiki: Jira/Confluence


Legacy Essette Application (v3.x):

  • ASP.NET web form based application

  • Code: written in C# and VB

  • Database: SQL Server

  • Hosted on-prem by the client or hosted on the cloud by Essette

  • IDEs: Visual Studio and SSMS

  • Package based Deployment model

  • Change Control Management: Change Control Forms

  • Version Control/Ticket Management: TFS


Systems & Communication Tools

  • MS Teams -- phone, chat, conferencing

  • MS Suite -- all the basics

  • Essette Wiki -- process/technical info hub

  • SharePoint -- another info hub

  • VMware VSphere -- remote connection

  • Buzz/Yammer -- internal company news

  • Applause -- a “virtual high-five” system to recognize each other for going above and beyond


QA Team Tools:

  • Jira Zephyr Scale -- Manual test cases

  • Selenium -- Automated testing

  • Postman -- API testing

  • Apache JMeter -- Load testing

  • SSMS -- Data testing



  • We're an Agile Scrum-based shop.

  • We use CCFs (Change Control Forms) to track/document deployments.

  • We conduct regular standup meetings, planning sessions, and retrospectives.

  • We host a monthly Block Party. It’s a meeting where all teams get together to celebrate our wins, share important company news and discuss the roadmap ahead.

  • Our technical teams regularly host events such as DEVCONs, lunch & learns, and product demos to stay updated on current industry standards and technologies.

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