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Application Developer

* If you had to describe your job to a 3rd grader, how would you describe it and why is it important?
I answer questions and fix software problems our clients in the healthcare industry may have. Our software makes their jobs easier and more efficient. This means they can spend more time and resources tending to their patients.

* What is your favorite part of your job?
Learning new things as a software developer and working with other developers.

* What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy spending time with my family as well as spending “me” time at the gym.

* Which animal best represents your personality?
A cat, they seem to be more selective in the people they show affection to.
They can be sociable but they seem content doing their own thing as well.
Cats don’t like to spend energy indiscriminately, they only do it when the situation calls for it or are really stimulated in which case they’re capable of impressive feats, otherwise they’re pretty chill.

* Do you have a life theme song? Why or why not? And if so, what is it?
No, life is too dynamic and variant to be encapsulated in one song. However, I very much enjoy thematic music. Depending on situation I’ll listen to different types of thematic music. One kind to get pumped, another to get focus, another for emotional states, etc.

* What's your dream car and why?
I admire beautiful or interesting cars but I don’t have a particular favorite or dream car. I think I’m more impressed with concept super cars, especially if they’re electric.

* What's your favorite snack at the office?
Salt and vinegar almonds, and chile lime peanuts.

* If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?
Oh man, you asked either the right or wrong person.
Do other people have powers too?
What are the upper limits of the power I choose?
For example, if I choose flight, what’s the max weight I can fly with? Can I only fly as fast as I can run? How high can I fly?
Are the powers bound to real life physics?
For example if I choose invisibility, am I also blind since my eyes are no longer able to absorb light?

Nerd-ness aside and assuming the superpower would work just like in the comics, I’d have to go big… I would choose reality warping/ matter manipulation.

* If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would it be?
Any famous person that has ever lived on earth?
I would choose Jesus Christ, the answers I would like to know can’t be given by anyone else.

* What is your favorite book and why?
I’ve only read a handful of fiction books, so I don’t have much to choose from. Recently I’ve been reading self-help and financial literacy books. The last self-help book I read was Atomic Habits, pretty insightful and interesting.

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