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Workflow Manager

* If you had to describe your job to a 3rd grader, how would you describe it and why is it important?
As a Project manager, I plan, execute, and monitor Essette projects. I’m responsible for keeping projects in scope and time and properly utilizing available resources toward project completion.
* What is your favorite part of your job?
Working with the clients.
* What do you like to do in your free time?
Read, write, spend time with family
* Which animal best represents your personality?
No idea
* Do you have a life theme song? Why or why not? And if so, what is it?
Nope. Life changes and I’m pretty sure mine would be a country western song and I don’t like country.
* What's your dream car and why?
I don’t have one.
* What's your favorite snack at the office?
I don’t have one.
* If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?
I don’t want a superpower.
* If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would it be?
* What is your favorite book and why?
East of Eden, The Goldfinch, Fall on Your Knees, The Good Earth, Gone with the Wind…too many to list, but those are all neck and neck.

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